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One World School - more than 400 courses from primary and middle school education

27th of March, 2013

Name change: WVS is now One World School

What previously was World Virtual School is now  “One World School”. A branding campaign to support the changing of the name was started. By means of the name change, it will this way help to avoid confusion with the DOD’s.. Read more »

"The WVS supports the United Nations Universal Human Rights and believes that all people, regardless of race, gender, ethnic group, age, religion, or economic background has the right to basic education and the right to participate in the global social and economic environment.

The goal of the WVS is to provide online virtual education, using onsite facilitators to create a blended learning environment where students can apply online learning to real-world situations and enhance their quality of living and that of their own communities."


Source: http://wvs.us.com

One World School
World Virtual School


online education