Name change: WVS is now One World School
What previously was World Virtual School is now “One World School”. A branding campaign to support the changing of the name was started. By means of the name change, it will this way help to avoid confusion with the DOD’s school. A media kit was put together for the World Virtual School and this new way of profiling to their audiences. Also to their new website will be added; testimonials from students and staff, regarding how the courses and/or staff have been helpful to students or one personally.
Visit their website at:
About One World School
One World School offers more than 400 courses from primary and middle school education, through high school and career/technical training. Also online language training in more than 26 languages through the Rosetta Stone Classroom. The One World School courses are accredited and will transfer to any US school. Career technical courses are approved by ACE and earn dual credit at more than 26,000 colleges and universities in the United States.
Euro Latin Latin Photographers Foundation and One World School
The Euro Latin Photographers Foundation supports the One World School project. The ELPF firmly believes that education available for everyone, is the key to prevent poverty and help create changes for self-development. The South America Virtual School hopes to bring basic education to those who need it most so that they may join more fully in the global social, economic and political environment. To request a class, or for more information, please contact the founder and president of the Euro Latin Photographers Foundation, Mrs. Sarai Aser at