Jacqueline Herbert
I'm Jacqueline, 35 years old, I'm a
professional photographer and I work on a freelance base. My
love for nature, animals and human beings is what I want to show on my
pictures. I want to tell people something what really matters. My love
for animals is very big and what is making me wordless is seeing the love
between an animal and his owner. A dog for example is a great buddy for his
owner and vice versa and that's what my pictures are telling. My love for
animals has started when I was just a young girl and is still growing. I'm very
fond of horses because they are so beautiful and big and so massive!
That we people are able to 'work with a horse and understanding each other is
something I really enjoy and respect. It's so special!
There is just one world with many millions and millions of people who are
living there lives and all these people, you and me included are one of them.
We're all trying to live our life and want to live as long as possible in our
own place we have created at our home in our own country but we are also
destroying the beautiful earth we're live on. So unbelievable! We're destroying
trees and many animals who are living there like we in our house, are
escaping for the people who are destroying all this woods all around the world!
The world has so many beautiful spots and there is so much we haven't seen yet
and probably never will at some spots! So I put these great places on
my camera for not be forgotten and respect that I was given the beautiful gift
for making and allowing me to make these pictures what is called art because
that is what a photographer does, making art. Telling a story without words in
a picture. Just look and listen... You hear it?
Good! My message has been succesfull!